
☆ Soccer Practice ☆ Rabbit Monkey Bear Lion

"Good morning, kids! Are you ready for our Soccer Practice today? The weather is great, isn't it? Let's have fun under the sun!"

It's a great day to start with. The kids from Rabbit and Monkey teams were the first ones to have their practice with Jimbo Coach. They played tagged to improve their muscles so they could run faster. "Here we go!"

"You're very fast! Come here and touch my hand!" the coach said.

They also threw the balls up altogether.

After them, the Bear and Lion Teams followed. They sat on their balls while listening to the coach. Later, they started walking, running and hopping.

"Look at us! We can do it!"

They were divided into two, Blue and Yellow Teams, and went on their real soccer match.

Finally, the Blue Team won the game! Congratulations!