Mr. Sun gave the kids lots of energy that they were very excited to start their day. They already expected to have a busy one.
After doing their tasks in the classroom, they were so thrilled to play with the Alphabet blocks and Toy insects. Some Bears and Lions opted to draw and scribble on the green table.
After Morning Circle, the Monkeys were divided into two teams for English Lesson. They started answering their Alphabet Workbook and they practiced writing the letter "Ll" today.
They started to understand the importance of pencil grip as they explore the joy of writing. Way to go Monkeys!

The Bears also had to answer a few exercises on their English Workbook about identifying Initial sounds. They found them very easy.

While, the other teams were preoccupied with English lesson and Water Play, the other teams were so happy doing Art with Goto Sensei. They can't wait to show everyone what they did.
Another fruitful and busy day it was!