

The Smiley-Kids prepared themselves for today's event, "Birthday Party". They gathered on the second floor and sat down for the singing of "Happy Birthday Song".

"Happy 1st Birthday, Dear Naoto! and "Happy 6th Birthday, Dear Yuto!" everyone shouted. They got "Koala and Lion Birthday Medals" and wished them a happy day for this special occasion.

"Blow the candle!", "Congratulations to you!"

They excitedly raised their hands up to ask questions for the birthday celebrants. They wanted to know more about them. 


Each team performed in front of their friends and the Monkey Team was the first to do it.

The Bear Team sang beautifully so everyone was glad to hear them.

Here is the Lion Team as they performed Hula Dance with their costume. "Great job!", exclaimed their friends and teachers.

Their teachers prepared something for them and they were really funny talking about "biscuits".

Everyone tried to find the "Biscuit Puzzles" all around the room and solved it through the help of their teachers. 

. . . Yeah! We did it! 

Before the party ended, they happily danced "Bop It!"