
Hisasue Ai-land Visit and English Lesson

Good morning, everyone! We are from Smiley Kids! Nice to see you again.
These kids had a chance to go to Hisasue Ai-land to visit the elderly. They were very glad to have a small talk with them.

Are you ready?




One of the most exciting part was the game. They tossed the balls using their sticks so they could make a goal. I did it!!!!!!!!




Saying goodbye to them was not that easy. They will surely miss this.


Meanwhile, the Monkey and Bear Teams had English lesson with Dennie Sensei. He taught them how to write lines properly and learn new vocabulary words about opposites.

They also did their Kakikata writing books.

Monkey Teams were trained one by one how to use their pencils properly.

. . . and cut with scissors!

Have a happy weekend to all!