
English Lesson

These kids were very happy today because they had English lesson with Dennie Sensei. They talked about different animals they have seen. They also tried to find some animals they could find inside the classroom.

It's coloring time! They colored the things that are "yellow". Dennie Sensei helped them traced the lines, too, on their workbooks.

These are the Bear Team kids. They were very participative during the lesson and everybody knew what animals can be found at the zoo and that can be a pet. 

One of them was a little shy to act his favorite animal.

Let's Go to the Zoo!

They were like frogs jumping around while their teacher sang, "Walking in the Jungle"

Meanwhile, the Lion team kids went outside to Shinmaruko Park to play. They had their lesson in the afternoon after lunch.

 Have a great day everyone! See you next time!