
Fun Fun Friday! ☆ Rabbit Monkey Bear Lion Teams ☆

Finally it's Friday! The kids enjoyed staying indoor because the weather was rainy. They played a lot of toys while making some crafts for this month.

Rabbit Team



Their teachers taught them how to hold their crayons. They used their favorite colors!





Monkey Team

Meanwhile, the three other teams had English lesson with Teacher Dennie. They had lots of singing and dancing.


They also tried their best to draw vertical, diagonal and curve lines on their workbooks,


Bear Team

These kids, reviewed counting and colored correct number of object from each set. They all did very well. Great job!

Lion Team

This time, they started working on their Kakikata book. They used their pencils and carefully traced the lines. 

After that, they played a very exciting game called Musical Chairs.

It was a fantastic Friday!