
※ Swimming  ※

The kids' swimming lesson started with a few exercises to warm up their bodies. 

As soon as they got ready, they excitedly splashed some water onto their faces.

On the other hand, the pink and yellow- capped swimmers jumped from the diving board with the help of their green floating mats.

The kids lined up to prepare themselves to swim with their coaches. They were very happy swimming and enjoying the cool water of the pool.

There were two diving boards where they could jump into the water. On the left were the pink-capped and on the right were the yellow capped swimmers.

Look how glad they were while they were swimming together!

"Let's see who's the fastest!"

The blue-capped swimmers lined up and stepped on the mats to wait for their turn to jump.

They were listening to some instructions before doing the backstroke.

The day was really fun for everybody. They are now looking forward to more swimming exercises to improve their skills
